Privacy Policy

Find the right information on who we are, and what we do to ensure that we keep your privacy safe.
Last updated on July 2021

Thank you for visiting a PolicyScout (“Company”) website (“Website”). We respect your privacy in handling Personal Information relating to you and your use of any of our websites, including this one. Company does business primarily in the United States, though it may have partners or providers who operated their businesses in Canada. “Personal Information” may include any information that can be used to identify or locate you, such as your name, address, IP address, mailing address, contact information, email address or phone number and other information you may produce to us. Personal Information is defined in both federal and state law in the United States, and in the laws of Canada. This Privacy Policy is intended to include the definition most applicable to your geographic location. Please recognize that your rights related to Personal Information, and what Personal Information is, differs somewhat from state to state and country to country. For example, a California resident likely has different rights than a Utah resident, and each of them likely have different rights than a resident of Canada.
By using or accessing the Website in any way, or by transacting with Company through any other means, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your information in the manner described herein.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully in order to understand what information Company collects, and how Company uses that information. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, please do not use this Website or transact with the company in any way. We encourage you to check our Website frequently to see the current Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditionsin effect and any changes that may have been made to them. If we make material changes to thisPrivacy Policy we will post the revised Privacy Policy and the revised effective date on this Website. If you use the Website after any changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted, this means you agree to all of the changes. ThisPrivacy Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions. Please click here to see that agreement.

1. What We Collect and How We Collect It

We may collect Personal Information that you provide us when you access our website, transact with us through the website or otherwise, contact customer service, participate in a survey or promotion, participate in another feature of our Website that requires your Personal Information, provide us with comments, suggestions or content for testimonials, endorsements, social media and/or blog posts, and/or provide your information to third party marketing affiliates. We only collect information that is necessary for the purposes identified herein. Please note that we do not control the collection or use of your information by third parties who may provide it to us, and such is subject to their privacy policies.
Some of our data and information collection is completely transparent. This means that you will know when and how it is happening. We can only gather the information you voluntarily provide. If you object to or limit our processing of certain information of this nature, you may not be able to use all of the features of the Website, interact or transact with Company at all. By providing us with this information, you expressly agree to our collection, use, storage, and disclosure of it as explained in this Privacy Policy. This type of information includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
  • Contact Information:Such as name, address, phone number, email address.
  • Preferences:Such as types of offers, products, policies and plans, or amounts of coverage in the context of insurance.
  • Other Personal Data:Such as gender, income range, general health information, date of birth, height, weight.
  • Questions, Comments and Feedback:You have the ability to contact us with questions you may have, inquire about products or offers, request to be contacted, provide us with comments and or feedback about the Company and products. We will process any information you submit, post or provide in the course of such activities to respond to your comments or feedback.
Our collection of other data and information may happen without your express knowledge, but you hereby consent to it. This means that you will not necessarily know when and how it is happening. However, we can only gather the information through your voluntary interactions with us. If you object to, or limit our processing of certain information of this nature, you may not be able to use all of the features of the Website, interact or transact with Company at all. By providing us with this information, you expressly agree to our collection, use, storage, and disclosure of it as explained in this Privacy Policy. This type of information includes, but is not necessary limited to:
  • Information from Third Party Platforms:
If you access the Website or communicate with us using your account or account credentials from a third-party owned or operated platform/service (e.g., Amazon, Apple, AWS, Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.), post content from our Website to a social network, or use various social media features (e.g., “Like” button), we may process certain information from the third parties, such as your username, “likes”, location, birthday, comments and reviews, preferences, network reach and influence, and any other information you provided to the third parties in connection with your account. Depending on your account and privacy settings, we may also be able to see information that you post when using these third parties whether or not you are using our services. We may also collect Personal Information about you from our third party service providers who provide us with e-commerce and/or technical assistance associated with functionality and purposes of the Website. The information you post or provide to third parties, as well as the controls surrounding these disclosures are governed by the policies of these third parties.
  • Browsing Information, Logs, Device Information:
When you visit our Website, we may process information about your activities on our Website through the use of technology such as cookies, web beacons, IP Address, and other tracking technologies, as further explained herein below. This information may contain personal information and statistical information. We may collect device-specific information (such as hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network Information, including your mobile phone number). We may record or log information from your Devices, their software, and your activity in accessing or using our Website. This information may include: IP address, device ID numbers, system activity, location preferences, date and time stamps of transactions. Providing this information is not mandatory and cookies can be disabled. However, please note that our Website may not offer the same functionalities when certain cookies or other tracking data are disabled.
  • Advertising Data:From time to time we may obtain data from third parties who collect data from other third-party sources outside of our control. These third parties may use their own cookies and other tracking technologies. We do not control these third parties and their actions are governed by their privacy policies.
  • Do Not Track:This website does not respond to machine-readable headers indicating that you do not want to be tracked (Do Not Track signals).
A cookie is a tiny element of data that our Websites can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognize your computer when you return. Cookies also assist with performance of various aspects of the Website. You may set your Web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. However, should you decide not to accept cookies from our Website, you may limit the functionality we can provide when you visit our Website. Additional general information about cookies and how they work is available at More information regarding cookies is also provided at the end of this document.
A web beacon (also known as a “tracking pixel” or “clear GIF”) is a clear graphic image (typically a one-pixel tag) that is delivered through a web browser or HTML e-mail, typically in conjunction with a cookie. Web beacons allows us, for example, to monitor how users move from one page within our websites to another, to track access to our communications, to understand whether users have come to our websites from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, to measure how ads have been viewed, and to improve site performance.
If we are unable to associate the information collected from you or your devices to you, as some may be purely statistical or technical without any identifier or connection to you, such is not considered personal information for purposes of this Privacy Policy. For example, you may use a computer to navigate to the Website, and the Website may record an entry to the Website by a personal computer running Windows 10. This information has no direct link to you and cannot be associated with you and is therefore not considered Personal Information.

2. How We Use It

This Website has the primary purpose of generating lead data that we use to deliver products or services you request either directly or through third party affiliates. With this purpose in mind, we may process your Personal Information (depending on your interaction with us) for any reason that is permitted under data protection laws and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will, and you grant us permission to, disclose your Personal Information, as follows:
  • To our family of entities including parent, subsidiary and/or sister entities if necessary to provide you with tailored products, product promotions and advertisements, product support services, or communication.
  • To Marketing Partners who may contact you with a sales purpose. The Marketing Partners that interact with you may retain or use your information whether or not you use their services, and their privacy and information sharing practices are set forth in their respective privacy policies.
  • To service providers that perform certain services on our behalf including, but not limited to, calling agents, or entities providing business analysis and/or Website or product support.
  • If required or permitted to do so by law or if, in good faith, Company believes that such action is necessary to: (1) comply with the law or with legal process; (2) protect and defend Company’s rights and property or prevent fraud; (3) protect Company against abuse, misuse or unauthorized use Company’s products or services; (4) protect the personal safety or property of its personnel, users of the Website or the public, and/or (5) comply with tax reporting requirements. The servers that serve the Website automatically identify a computer by its IP address.
  • If the information is non-personal information (from which individuals cannot be identified, and which do not relate to individuals) in aggregate form, and the disclosure is for business purposes, such as consultants and advisors to Company.
  • If Company, in good faith, determines that you have used the service to menace, threaten, harass, intimidate or otherwise deceptively pose as another person, or in any other way in violation of law. Simply, if you attempt to use the Website for any unlawful means, you have no expectation of privacy.
  • If a third party acquires all or substantially all of the assets of, or ownership interest in, Company whether by merger, acquisition, reorganization or otherwise, Company may transfer its database, including Personal Information contained therein, to the third party.
We would like to inform you of products and services, sales and special offers that might benefit you. When you register online, you may have the opportunity to sign up for e-mails and other electronic promotions (e.g., SMS and text messages) about our products, services, sales and special offers. If you would like to stop receiving such promotional information from Company, please follow the steps provided in Section 5 of this Privacy Policy.
We may also collect, use and disclose personal information you provide in order to contact you; respond to your inquiries and provide you with relevant information from time to time; provide services and products requested by you; administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us; compile statistics for analytical and marketing purposes; and, any other purposes about which we inform you when we ask you for information.
Company also uses Personal Information to continually assess and improve the Website and the products and services we offer. To serve you better, we may combine the Personal Information that you give us with publicly available information and information we receive from or cross-reference with ourMarketing Partners and others.
Some of our operations, such as website administration, technical support, and/or electronic commerce, may be managed by third parties unaffiliated with Company. These companies may share Personal Information with their affiliates and with service providers whom they engage to perform services related to our Website or the operation of our business.

3. How We Protect It

Company stores all information in state of the art cloud storage in association with AWS. In doing so, Company uses appropriate physical, organizational and technological measures to protect the personal information you provide to us against loss or theft, and unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. This includes limiting access on a “need-to-know” basis. However, no electronic data transmission can be guaranteed to be secure from access by unintended recipients and Company will not be responsible for any breach of security unless this breach is due to its own gross negligence. Although we are committed to employing reasonable technology in order to protect the security of our Website, even with the best technology, no website is 100% secure. In transacting with us through the website, you assume the risk inherent in transacting online.
This Privacy Policy only applies to Company and in particular, the Website. The Website may include links to the websites of our business partners, vendors and advertisers, as examples. These other sites are outside of our control. Please be aware that these websites may collect information about you, and operate according to their own privacy practices which may differ from those contained in this Privacy Policy. Company encourages users to be aware when you leave this Website and to read the privacy statements of each website you visit that collects personal information. While Company carefully chooses the websites to link to, this Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected on this Website.
As a general rule, we only maintain data for up to 2 years. However, we typically destroy all information related to you and our use of your personal information if you have failed to visit the Website and transact with company in a 1 year period.

4. Your Rights

If you wish to Opt-Out from any of the aforementioned uses of Personal Information, except in the case of Legal Proceedings, please contact us by clicking here. Your subsequent disclosure of Personal Information nullifies any prior Opt-Out request. Company does not discriminate against those who opt-out. However, opting out may prevent us from conveniently and efficiently providing further products, services and information to you.

5. Canadian Residents

This section applies to Canada resident only.
Your personal information may be transferred outside of Canada. Company and its service providers may store personal information on servers located in other jurisdictions, including the United States. Please note that privacy laws in such jurisdictions differ from Canadian privacy laws (e.g., PIPEDA) and that in some jurisdictions your personal information may be accessed by law enforcement authorities or the courts in such jurisdictions. You may obtain information and address questions about the Privacy Policy and practices relating to handling of your personal information outside of Canada by contacting our Privacy Officer identified below in Section 9.
If you wish to access your Personal Information, or request that your Personal Information be corrected or removed from our database, you may contact our Privacy Officer as outlined below. Company, within a commercially reasonable time, will provide access to this information, correct any factual inaccuracies identified, and remove information as requested. We may be unable to remove information to the extent that it is permitted or required to be retained by applicable law or document retention and data backup policies, or if removal is not practicable due to technological reasons. Removal of your personal information may prevent us from providing further services and information to you.
Company may require you to provide sufficient information to prove your identity prior to Company providing an account of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information. The information provided shall only be used for this purpose.

6. California Residents

California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act Notice. These additional disclosures for California residents apply only to individuals who reside in California. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) provide additional rights to know, delete and opt out, and requires business collecting or disclosing Personal Data to provide notice of rights California residents have and can exercise.
California Notice of Collection. Pursuant to Section 1798.110 of the CCPA and the CPRA, the categories of Personal Data that we have collected about individual consumers in the preceding twelve months are:
  • Identifiers, including name, date of birth, address, email address, IP address, and phone number.
  • The categories of Personal Data listed in the California Customer Records Statute, including name, address, telephone number, or any other financial information.
  • Customer records, including phone number, and address.
  • Demographic information, such as your age or gender. This category includes pieces of Personal Data that also qualify as protected classification characteristics under other pre-existing California or federal laws.
  • Commercial information, such as transaction data.
  • Sensitive Information such as Financial data.
  • Internet and other network and device activity, such as IP address, unique device, advertising, and app identifiers, browsing history and other usage data.
  • Geolocation data, including location enabled services such as WiFi and GPS.
  • Sensory information, such as audio recordings if you call our customer service.
  • Inferences about personal preferences and attributes drawn from profiling (e.g., using cookies).
  • Information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you, such as user generated content (e.g. reviews).

Shine the Light law.

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California have the right to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain information with respect to the types of Personal Data the business shares with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such third party and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. To submit such a request, you can contact us as set forth in the “COMPANY’S CONTACT INFORMATION” section below.

Right of Access.

As a California resident, you have a right to access your Personal Data, up to twice a year at no charge, including:
  • The categories of Personal Data Company collects about you;
  • The categories of sources of your Personal Data;
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your Personal Data;
  • The categories of any third parties with whom the business shares your Personal Data;
  • The specific pieces of Personal Data collected about you.
  • Sensitive Information such as Financial data.
  • Internet and other network and device activity, such as IP address, unique device, advertising, and app identifiers, browsing history and other usage data.
  • Geolocation data, including location enabled services such as WiFi and GPS.
  • Sensory information, such as audio recordings if you call our customer service.
  • Inferences about personal preferences and attributes drawn from profiling (e.g., using cookies).
  • Information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you, such as user generated content (e.g. reviews).

Right to Request Deletion of Data.

As a California resident, you have the right to request deletion of your Personal Data, subject to certain exceptions, such as where the information is needed to provide services to you, or for security or legal reasons.

Right to Non-Discrimination.

As a California resident, you have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the CCPA, such as denial of services or higher pricing.

Right to Opt Out.

As a California resident, you have the right to opt out of having your Personal Data sold or shared. We do not currently sell your Personal Data, but it is shared with Marketing Affiliates as described above. You may begin the opt-out process by emailing
You can exercise your rights under the CCPA and CPRA by calling toll free at 1-888-912-2132 or write to us at PolicyScout Attn: Privacy Officer, 10808 S. Riverfront Parkway, Fifth Floor, South Jordan, 84095 Utah. We will attempt respond to your requests relating to your Personal Data within 30 days. We may be unable to remove information to the extent that it is permitted or required to be retained by applicable law or document retention and data backup policies, or if removal is not practicable due to technological reasons. Company may require you to provide sufficient information to permit us to provide an account of the existence, use and disclosure of Personal Data. The information provided shall only be used for this purpose.

7. Children

The Website is not intended or designed to be used by anyone under the age of 13. It is not meant to be attractive to anyone under the age of 13, or to have any value or use by anyone under the age of 13. Company does not collect Personal Information from any person it knows to be under the age of 13. If you are under 13, DO NOT TRANSACT WITH US THROUGH THIS WEBSITE OR OTHERWISE, AND DO NOT SEND ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 17, DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE UNLESS YOU ARE SUPERVISED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN OR HAVE RECEIVED PERMISSION FROM YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN.

8. Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, this Website or its offerings, or if you have questions or concerns about the collection, use, disclosure, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information, you may contact us online at, subject line “Privacy Policy” or at the following address:
PolicyScout Attention: Privacy Officer 10808 S. Riverfront Parkway, Fifth Floor South Jordan, UT 84095 Toll Free: 1-888-912-2132


Cookies make the use of our Website easier by, among other things, saving your preferences. We may also use cookies to deliver content tailored to your interests. Our cookies may enable us to relate your use of the Website to Personal Information that you previously provided.
The information that we collect with cookies allows us to statistically analyze usage of the Services, and to improve and customize our content and other offerings. However, we only disclose information collected with cookies to third parties on an aggregated basis without the use of any information that personally identifies you.
The specific types of first party and third party cookies placed by our Services and the purposes they perform are described in the table below:

Types of cookies & How to refuse

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Strictly Necessary CookiesThese are cookies that are required for the operation of our Services. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our websites.
These cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the Site. They can be deleted or blocked using your browser settings.

Performance and Functionality Cookies

These are used to recognize you when you return to our Services. This enables us to personalize our content for you and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region), but are non-essential to the performance of our Services.
These cookies can be deleted or blocked using your browser settings.

Analytical or Customization Cookies

These cookies collect information about how users access and move through our Services. We use this information in either aggregate form to help us to improve the way our Services work, or to personalize our Services to your interests.
These cookies can be deleted or blocked using your browser settings (see How to Control Cookies, below).
Alternatively, please follow the links below to review the third party’s privacy policy or to opt-out: Google Universal Analytics

Marketing and Targeting Cookies

These cookies are use for online behavioral advertising information and to control advertisements and marketing you receive on the website. These Cookies typically collect information about your browsing habits. The purpose is to provide you with targeted advertisements that may be of interest to you. Additionally, these Cookies allow us to analyze your website browsing behavior to further customize our product marketing approach. These cookies can be deleted or blocked using your browser settings. For more information regarding opting out of targeted advertising, please visit or

How to Control Cookies

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. You can exercise your cookie preferences specific to our websites by clicking here. Your cookie preferences will be limited to first and third party cookies on this website only, and must be set for each device used and each website you access.
You can exercise your preferences with some third-party cookies by clicking on the appropriate opt-out links provided in the cookie table above, or by visiting third-party websites. Company does not control any third-party opt-out links or websites and is not responsible for any choices you make using these mechanisms.
You can also set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website though your access to certain portions of it and to some functionality may be limited. Web browser controls vary, so you should visit your browser's help menu for more information.
Also, for further information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit